I’m a little disappointed that you are both are onboard with dissing Dave Chappelle because of his alleged transphobia. Are we so politically correct nowadays that “marginalized communities” can no longer be fodder for jokes and comedy?

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Thanks for commenting, Janie. I don’t believe Dave Chappelle “hates” anyone. I’ve listened to almost every joke or comment he’s made about transgender people or the trans community and I don’t recall him ever saying anything I felt was designed to incite hate or violence. If anything, I’ve heard a lot of hateful comments directed at Chappelle by members of the trans and LGBTQ community. I’d be curious if you could provide some specific examples of jokes or comments Chappelle has made that you feel were designed to incite hate or violence. One of the striking comments, to my mind, that he has made regarding this controversy is that “In our country, You can shoot or kill a n*****, but you better not hurt a gay person’s feelings.” He often talks about how America has such a “brittle spirit.” I think many people are guilty of being way too sensitive when it comes to what is allowed to be joked about or made fun of.

I always enjoy listening to you and Paul on your monthly podcast and I think you guys provide a lot of material that’s thought provoking (and hilarious). I’ve always felt the same way about Dave Chappelle.

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Traitors Australia is THE best one by far. I can only speak for season 1 so far. But I’m a Nigel Stan and yall will be too

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Did I miss a Truman Show watchalong at some point, or is that upcoming? I love that movie, definitely want to hear your commentary!

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I put “marginalized communities” in quotes to indicate that I was quoting you and Janie, since this is what you said on the podcast. You stated that Chappelle was making fun of “a marginalized group of people.” The article you sent me about Daphne Dorman fails to mention that one of the reasons she is believed to have committed suicide was because she was “dragged” on twitter by members of the trans community for daring to defend Dave Chappelle. Trans people are indeed at great risk of violence and hate in this messed up world, but I don’t believe Chappelle’s jokes encourage or contribute to it, anymore than I believe his jokes about blacks and whites encourage or contribute to hate and violence toward these communities. If anything, I think they diffuse hatred since they make a joke about the human condition. How are his jokes about trans people any more dangerous than those he makes about blacks, whites, women, and himself? The fact that Dorman was vilified and attacked by her own “tribe” for defending Chappelle is sad and shameful. That’s not Chappelle’s fault.

You say the onus is on me to find out why the LGBTQIA+ communities is so hateful to Chappelle, implying that I haven't bothered to look into this. I've read extensively about this controversy from all viewpoints. If Chappelle has an axe to grind, it's about the freedom of artistic expression. That's the "point" he has to make. You claim Chappelle "repeatedly says trans people are making it up." Really? Show me a special or public comment where he has made this claim. What exactly is he accusing them of making up? Their pain? I think he's gone out of his way to say that he respects and empathizes with the trans community.

No need to apologize for the long reply. I am enjoying the discussion and genuinely trying to understand why I am wrong about this.

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Mar 9Liked by Janie Haddad Tompkins

By the way, it is NOT my opinion that the trans community is not truly oppressed. I am well aware of how the trans community is under assault from all manner of governmental and societal forces. I just don't believe Chappelle is one of them.

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Mar 9Liked by Paul F Tompkins

Okay Paul. I appreciate your detailed responses and I'm still wrestling with this issue. Thanks for the conversation.

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Hey Paul, I know you've said in past episodes of the podcast that you're not a fan of Bill Maher, but I'd be curious to hear what you think about this recent commentary of his.


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Mar 10Liked by Janie Haddad Tompkins

Have you watched the UK Traitors Red Nose Day Special? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo669LZDS2M

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Mar 11Liked by Janie Haddad Tompkins

Paul does his best NostraTompkins when he says “Extra, Extra, Oppenheimer sweeps Oscars!” Speaking of the Oscars, my nomination for “Extemporaneous Comment of the Year” goes out to Jimmy Kimmel for saying “Isn’t it past your jail time?” Priceless!

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Mar 11Liked by Janie Haddad Tompkins

I was SO excited for this episode when I saw the episode title. I got sucked in to ReesaTeesa’s series pretty early on, before all the parts were even uploaded (the suspense killed me!!). I’ve been begging my partner and my mom to watch all of it so we can gossip about it but once they heard how long it was they checked out 😭 So it’s been super exciting to see how viral she’s gone and now to listen to you guys dive into it!! Janie I totally agree with your strategy pitch — book deal, limited series, podcast — give me ALL the ReeseTeesa content!

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Mar 12Liked by Janie Haddad Tompkins

JANIE. I am so grateful to you for recommending the Reesa Teesa series, and suggesting listening to it like a podcast. I am absolutely fascinated with cults/scammers/scams, and I love you that this is a victim that stood up to tell her story on her terms. I'm in the middle of moving and it's been an absolute nightmare, so having her in my ears telling me this story really became a respite the last few days. Thank you!!

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