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Jul 6, 2023
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well...wouldn't ya know it, but that dang ol' foot got outta that there crab trap.

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have you seen “take care of maya” on netflix? this story reminds me of that doc re: denying care, albeit very different circumstances. (it’s very well done but also incredibly upsetting, so... proceed with caution!)

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Thank god your mom was eventually called in. I was worried it would turn out even worse, like they made you continue to run on it or otherwise finish out the day. I’m sorry that happened to you.

It was probably for the Presidential Fitness Test, they decided kids should be able to run a mile in 8-10 minutes if they were fit. Hated it.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the horror of PE is what starts the weird feelings we all have towards exercise. I'm currently examining this in a little series called Pilating my Revenge, right on this here platform: https://open.substack.com/pub/laclaire/p/pilating-my-revenge-pilot-essay?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=2nox8

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So true!

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Wonderful essay, Janie. Keep them coming!

PE in the '80s certainly did nothing to inspire enjoyment of fitness, and I found every excuse to avoid it in high school. Only with proper guidance, training, and equipment (including shoes to correct pronation!) have I come to really enjoy fitness much later in life.

I don't know what the state of PE programs are today, but (coincidentally) my wife's cousin is a teacher at the school you attended subsequently. I'll have to ask her! 😆

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No way, who is your wife’s cousin?! Would love to cross paths and thank you for the kind words. 😺

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Her name is Mary O'Donnell, and she just started teaching 2nd grade at Ashley Hall last year. She really loves it there. It sounds like a great school!

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Oh my gosh, I bet that’s so cuuute 😩

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A green belt despite pronation? That's impressive. And PE still sucks, my kid was sent home barfing 3 times in one month following elementary school 'fun run' days.

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Nooooooo that’s awful 😩 sorry for your kid.

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Over-pronator over here! Used to get terrible shin splints in high school (played field hockey and basketball, also in the 80’s) and was always the slowest runner - because I was in pain! Somehow that translated as lazy to the grown-ups. I often had to visit the trainer for shin splint treatment. (the training room was inside the boys locker room. Not weird at all.) I don’t remember what “treatments” he provided, (I think Icy Hot and massage were involved. Ew.) but I do remember that he told me, a 15-year old girl, that my “legs were built wrong”. Nothing like a mustachioed middle-aged man wearing polyester short shorts telling a teenage girl that her body is wrong.

All this is to say that I very much relate to your experience - thank you for sharing. (Also, I think I remember you mentioning having a hiatal hernia on a past podcast episode - I’ve got that too. And now I sound like a creepo 😬 and this comment is too long!)

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*pre-orders Janie's memoir*

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Ha! I’m leading up to a TV series pitch inspired by the time and place of my upbringing, so I’m getting some content ready for that specific package to show the backdrop for the fictional characters and my knowledge and experience of this world & era through a specifically female gaze. Only thing is, can’t pitch until Hollywood decides to cut a deal with everyone 😿 but thank you! Thank you for reading/subscribing/supporting, it really is very appreciated 🙏🏻

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Make it so! I will absolutely binge that show. But you are such a great writer that I also don't think you should rule out a book book...

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This brought back memories. I didn't go to Catholic school, but we were made to run 1.5 miles for P.E. in school. They never gave us water, never made us stretch, just told us to go run and yelled at us if we walked for too long. I hated it! And I'm surprised none of us got heat stroke.

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Grade school gym class was the most demoralizing experience I’ve ever had during my first 8 years of catholic education in the 80’s. I spent YEARS being one of the final three girls the team captains (always men) would negotiate over…. “I’ll take A, if you take B & C.” Not quite the same experience you had at all, but left a lasting impact.

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That sounds so humiliating, I’m so sorry.

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Hey I survived and thrived in public high school. (Cue “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”) or whatever Kelly said. Keep up your work-I love it!

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