I’m a completist so I had to go back to the jump and fyi I wanted to confirm…my ex step sister ATE a shrimp WITHOUT PEELING IT! I was like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL….ive eaten sunflower seeds that way out of laziness but anytime I eat shrimp or crawfish (im obviously very southern…south Louisiana) if I get the hint of missed shell I freak so to see someone go to town eating a shrimp that way was totally mind blowing. And I’ve never heard or seen the peanut thing but now with all I’ve seen I guess I’m not surprised. I think I’d prefer she’d done that instead of a shrimp!
I’m a completist so I had to go back to the jump and fyi I wanted to confirm…my ex step sister ATE a shrimp WITHOUT PEELING IT! I was like WHAT IN THE ACTUAL….ive eaten sunflower seeds that way out of laziness but anytime I eat shrimp or crawfish (im obviously very southern…south Louisiana) if I get the hint of missed shell I freak so to see someone go to town eating a shrimp that way was totally mind blowing. And I’ve never heard or seen the peanut thing but now with all I’ve seen I guess I’m not surprised. I think I’d prefer she’d done that instead of a shrimp!