I thought they had some great moments this week, but turning away a speaker from the Uncommitted Movement that could speak to the Palestinian suffering put a sour taste in my mouth. It stinks that it feels like they're still turning a blind eye to the atrocity, especially when they decide to bring up Republicans to talk

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Did you watch Michelle Obama’s speech? I thought it was amazing, so worth watching again.

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I hope some of you caught Desi Lydic on The Daily Show last night. She was talking about how pundits on Newsmax were trashing Hilary Clinton for not laughing and Kamala Harris for laughing too much and she said:

“You know what, you don’t get an opinion on this, okay. You get to control one hole on women’s bodies, not two, and you picked one already.”

Now that’s funny!

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Michelle Obama had the line of the night in Day 2 of the DNC, when talking about ImPotus: “I wanna know, whose gonna tell him that the job he is currently seeking, might just be one of those black jobs?”


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Michelle’s speech was incredible

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Great Post here. Last night, I participated in the freeform live-commenting thing that happens over at Wonkette during Left-Leaning events (if you like lefty, hilarious, swear-word-riddled, but actual news coverage, do yourself a favor and check out Wonkette.com here on substack.) I too was enraged but also awed by the strength of those that spoke on their personal experiences with abortion restrictions. My socks were progressively and continually knocked off by the speakers building up to Ol' Smiling Joe. AOC, Ms. Crockett, Rev. Warnock, Hillz, the rest.

Mostly, I liked seeing that there are a lot of people in the political process that are united around how to help our country do better through generalized respect for others instead of a bunch of weirdos weaponizing hate to enrich themselves.

Thank you!

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So good Janie ☺️❤️

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Great post, Janie! I'm unlikely to watch any of it to protect my fragile little psyche, but I appreciate the positive energy here.

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Oh, and does anyone else wish candidates revealed who they want for cabinet positions as we get closer to the election? Part of me thinks that would help keep up the excitement and momentum going.

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Having worked in campaigns, I can tell you they won’t. Every single person is divisive and you’d be shocked at how petty cabinet wars are. It would quickly devolve into something similar to the Bernie bros deciding they wanted Trump for not getting their way. Personally, feels like when people announce bridesmaids and some friends aren’t included and lose their ish. It’s not pretty and would not feed momentum. I wish it would, though!

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That’s interesting. Do they know all that at this stage? I’m guessing they have some wish lists to go off of. Are you thinking Buttiegieg will get Secretary of State?

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Good question and a key reason they wouldn’t announce before the election. Having a gay man 2nd in line for President would be leveraged by the right as proof of the “agenda.” I’m not sure if he has enough foreign policy experience, but it isn’t a crazy idea.

Would be a little out of left field, but I would think that Newsom is going to get something very high level out of this. Not Sec, but definitely something national. I would also like to see Stacey Abrams rewarded handsomely for her exquisite work but can’t dare to dream it would be Secretary. I’m rambling. Harris has completely changed the game and whatever she does is going to feel both unexpected and correct, IMO

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Totally know what you mean about the pettiness. Thinking back to my time in student government, I can only imagine it’s heightened at the federal government level 🤣

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I think you and Paul mentioned this on this month’s podcast, but the day Joe Biden stepped aside was a wild day filled with political hope for the first time in a long time. Since then, it’s been fun to follow the campaign and feel the energy even through pictures and videos. Excited for more DNC content this week!

Also, the Kamala HQ Instagram account is such a great follow. Whoever is running it knows what they’re doing.

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Speaking as a Canadian who is not paying TOO close attention to an election in which I don't have a vote, I feel like Howard Dean crawled (screamed and got smacked down for it) so that Tim Walz could run (be a goofball). Hope the Dems' momentum keeps growing!

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I phone banked for Dean in 2004. He was my guy. I was destroyed over the scream scandal.

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Yesterday was the first day of school and we got home and were all up in this. My kids think it’s weird as Hell that people talk about women not having kids as a bad thing, and I love that instead of dwelling on the bullshit the other side is saying, we just wrote a whole new book.

Going back to my kids, they said this all felt “familiar.” They are 6 and 10 and the messages were all in line with what they live with daily. I was so proud. Joe made me cry! Kamala did, too. I could not be more excited!

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I love excitement! Excitement gods, FEED US.

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What is your preferred place to watch it? I was watching MSNBC, but kinda felt like they kept cutting away from stuff to talk about it before it was even finished.

If I watch again tonight I'm gonna text you. haha

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We watched it on YouTube!

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I'll have to try that tonight. I kept flipping from channel to channel trying to get away from commentators & pundits.

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dear janie,

thank you for this!

i love "pessimism is irresponsible."

super appreciate your account here, thank you for sharing!



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🤗 I actually borrowed that sentiment from an interview I heard with an expert on combatting fascism.

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Thank you for letting me know! I’m OPTIMISTIC* that they would be happy for it to be spreading further!

* very responsible of me

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That’s an excellent point!

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