Weekend Water with Paul F. Tompkins & Janie Haddad Tompkins
Stay F. Homekins: with Janie Haddad Tompkins & Paul F. Tompkins
This One's For Carl. s4. episode 5.

This One's For Carl. s4. episode 5.

Striking against the illuminati...maybe?

Paul & Janie fight the MAN. Well, help to fight the “man,” who are just 12 outta touch white dude gazillionaires, essentially. Janie adopts spy craft. While PFT gets convinced to also adopt spy craft. Together the two deliver a powerhouse Spring episode through fatigue! Thank you, STAY F. HOMEKINSERS for sticking with us and please subscribe to our WEEKEND WATER substack to be a part of the conversation on this episode.

And, as always, find our official podcast merchandise at www.kinshipgoods.com

Love y’all/youse.

Weekend Water with Paul F. Tompkins & Janie Haddad Tompkins
Stay F. Homekins: with Janie Haddad Tompkins & Paul F. Tompkins
Comedian Paul F. Tompkins & actress Janie Haddad Tompkins are a married couple living in Los Angeles. This podcast is your once a month (second Friday of every month!), direct line to their intimate, meandering, stream-of-consciousness after-dinner conversation as they enjoy their weekend water. A podcastif from their digestif! Named one of the top ten new comedy podcasts of 2020 by VULTURE. #stayfhomekins #SFH #podcasts #humor #marriage #comedy Official STAY F. HOMEKINS merchandise available at www.kinshipgoods.com